Monday 9 October 2017

Papercraft Research

The concept of papercraft is fairly easy to understand. Papercraft is a form of art where paper is the main, or only, medium. It's a fun and interesting artform because it is so inexpensive and simple, yet people have been able to create stunning works using papercraft. I believe a good example of what can be achieved with this medium is the works of Zim & Zou, two French artists based in Nancy, France, and, more specifically, their Forest Folks installation in Hermès.

I love these works for their vibrant colours and charming character and environment design. It reminds me of something you might see in a Legend of Zelda game or a Mario Bros. level. The use of nature in this exhibit also inspires me because of the childlike wonder it instills, with such fun uses of stumps, mushrooms, and various other vegetation. It is a familiar concept but done so well it feels new, which is something I strive to do in my own designs and artworks.

Forest Folks explores the dominant force of nature in the world. Nature is ever changing but still ultimately defines us and our environments, as it is linked to all life. We see in these pieces a glimpse into the life of these beings who live deeply linked with nature, living in it and beside it, and we see how it determines their daily lives and the structure of their society. It is a believable society because life is everywhere, even when we cannot see it, so you can easily be pulled into this colourful world and believe that these creatures actually exist somewhere. I believe Forest Folks does an excellent and compelling job at telling a story of co-existence between nature and the beings that live among it.

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