Tuesday 3 October 2017

Mesh MIxer: the Sequel

For my finalised "mesh mixer" concept, I decided to go with my combination of a telephone and brass knuckles. In the group discussion, we all agreed the juxtaposition in this concept was very strong and the design was easily visually readable because of the simplistic design. We discussed the clashing ideals in the concept: communication vs. violence and friendship vs. bullying. I felt that the immediate response I got from my group towards the concept was an indication of it's good, readable design, which is why I decided to finalise it. The simplicity also helped that decision!

I feel my "Teleknuckles" design connects to Remix Culture through it's mashup of unusual of items, that, when brought together, form a very clear message. The juxtaposition of this piece represents digital media and technologies, which were originally created to bring the world together, but are now loaded with toxicity. I chose an older-style telephone because it clearly represents communicated, while it's shape could be interpreted as a blunt weapon when combined with the brass knuckles.

Bonus shot of the grip without lighting because I'm really proud on how smooth I got the transition to be! It was a lot of fun smoothing and editing the phone model to look as high quality as the brass knuckles, and I feel I did a fairly good job!

Here are the original models I used from Thingiverse:

Brass Knuckles: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:420443

Telephone: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:35563

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